“FOR I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. ” Romans 1:16 (NIV).
I love how God places scriptures in our hearts. Sometimes for the moment and sometimes to be released when He knows you need to remember. I recall searching for the true meaning of Romans 1:16 about eight years ago. New in my relationship with Jesus, I wondered how God’s Word could have such power. Then, at a Women’s Event in LifeCentre Kanata, Pastor Lori spoke these words…” I am not ashamed of the Gospel.” I’ll never forget the impact of hearing those words. I know the LORD placed them on my heart for a reason. He framed them with His protective shield so nothing would shatter His truth. I was about to begin a journey of not just knowing His truth in my head but falling in love with His Word in my heart, not just believing in Him but believing Him; not just thinking these are words written in a book, but God Himself speaking about who He is and who I am as He began to reveal Himself throughout my life. In 2024, God again brings joy to my heart, reminding me of the early days as I embarked on a journey that will last a lifetime.
As a small child, I couldn’t get enough of looking at pictures of Jesus with little children in the bible storybooks my parents bought for me. I was somewhat envious that it wasn’t me in those pictures. I remember those days of being so drawn with a desire to sit and listen to the stories with my eyes focused on the images. Then, somewhere in my teenage years, I took that forbidden bite as I listened to the lies and untruths in this world. For the next 50 years or so, I went into a spiral decline, somewhere dark. But God….
One amazing thing about God is He never closes a door in our learning. His Word is an open Book. It’s like a steady stream flowing to reach the ocean so we can see the bigger picture and be even more amazed at what He has done for us, how He has always been in our lives and how He cares so deeply. And with all my heart, I believe Him. Through His Word, He has shown me many areas where He was with me, even when I walked in darkness. His most significant reveal was how He was in my jail cell in 2005. In the stories in Daniel 3 and 6, only God could show me how He was with me in my fiery furnace that day and how He had shut the mouths of the serpents and scorpions that spoke so many lies into my mind. He was with me that day, transforming me. As a severe alcoholic, there is no other explanation for what happened that day. His loving, supernatural hand was on my heart as the crust broke away. He was breathing new life into my worn-out soul. That day in June 2005 was the last day I ever had a drink. But He went further, and He removed my desire for alcohol. I came out of that fire unscathed. I didn’t understand for ten years, but in January 2015, Jesus said, “Follow me.” It was a stir I would never forget.
As the beginning of the year drew closer, I thought of this new season of Heartstrong. As I read Romans 1:16, I thought of January 2015 and those beginning days when I desired to know Jesus more and understand what and why He did what He did for me. In those early years, truth began to unfold as He told me not to be afraid, that He would help me and uphold me (Isaiah 40:10). When I asked Him to show me His ways and teach me His paths (Psalm 25:4-5), He promised to instruct me, teach me and counsel me (Psalm 32:8). When I told Him I would never memorize Romans 8:38-39 as it was too many words, He said, yes you will. I now speak those words every day. It is one of His beautiful reminders of why He did what He did for me. I am sure, absolutely convinced, that nothing can separate me from His love. His love that never fails.
At the end of 2023, God told me to be intentional – in my time with Him, my reading, prayer, relationships, and living. To do all things heartily, as I am doing them for Him (Colossians 3:23). Even sweeter, He has reminded me how intentional He is. All we have to do is open His Word and see His love unfold through the generations. Yes, there are challenging parts, but the beauty is in knowing the truth of His story. God intentionally shows His love, His faithfulness and how much He truly cares. It isn’t in one book or chapter. It’s a Book of books that speaks and stirs us for a lifetime.
Romans 1:16 was so embedded in my heart at that women’s event years ago that it became the core of my year 3 Bible School sermon in 2019. I knew it would be from the first day I walked into that class. I’m so grateful the LORD framed it on my heart forever. The power of God! Yes, I believe!
Thank You, LORD, for the beautiful gift of Your Word. I pray we read it intentionally with eyes to see, ears to hear as You speak, and our hearts excited and ready to accept what You are revealing. I pray Your Word penetrates so deep that others will see the love of Christ and Your glory that shines through us. Let us be bold in saying, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God who brings salvation to all who believe…” In Jesus name…Amen