“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
PositivePsychology.com recently shared a report with the following information: In the past decade, psychologists have rediscovered the importance of humility. They noted links between humility and our abilities to learn and be more effective leaders. They stated that a more humble mindset could increase our psychological well-being.
That makes a lot of sense in my mind. However, it contradicts what the world has been preaching for quite some time – Be #1! Be loud and proud.! Speak up and get noticed! Lead from the front! It has constantly been growing a cult of personality, focused on being seen as the best. And if I wanted to buy into this idea of “me” at the centre of my universe, it is not hard to find many ways and means to support this theory of living.
But the actual truth, when I stop to consider myself, is that I did NOT create myself. I am made in the image of God the Creator by that very Creator Himself. Genesis 1:27 confirms this very specifically. Everything that I am comes from Him. And although God created us each uniquely – none were created above another.
So as I consider my place and how much God has shown me great mercy, my heart instinctively understands that I need to place others ahead of my needs. An ‘other-centric’ outlook is firmly at the core of walking humbly in my faith. And it is through this humility that I can actually see and consider those around me. The grace God first showed me is now ready to be poured back through me unto others.
“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honour.” James 4:10
Jesus could definitely have considered Himself first before others. Yet, He placed Himself under His Father as a servant to others, only being able to do what His Father led Him to and showed Him. We would do well to keep our eyes that same way on Jesus. We are not without worth, but our walking with God (not blazing ahead of Him) helps keep us humble and obedient. We recognize our shortcomings and maintain a balanced outlook on where we are. And as we make mistakes in our journey, we are called to admit to our errors and be ready to say “I’m sorry” to those we may have wronged. That very present ability to repent keeps us focused back towards God and away from a self-righteous path of pride and embellishment.
Our dependence on God and His guidance in our lives keeps us connected to Him and His desires for us. We walk the path laid down by the teacher and learn at each turn. And we will continually be open for Him to flow into and through us in this heart of humility that we live.
Remember something important: “walking'” is active. By definition, this means that we are moving forward.
So consider your heart and your position in life modelled after the perfect servant walk on earth. We will find His power and passion flow mightily through us in a place of unlikely strength: our humility.