“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”Proverbs 3:5-6(NIV).
This month we are focusing on being a disciplined disciple who is dependent on God. As I share some of my thoughts on this idea, I encourage you to let your heart explore this statement: I am dependent on God. You could ask it as a question or make it your declaration! As I meditate on these words, my thoughts take me to times when I have struggled with trusting God with situations in my life. I have tried to convince God that He was moving too slowly, that these were the best options for my desired outcome, or that my desires were what was best for me. What I have learned from walking through difficult trials is that my level of peace and security is often directly related to my level of current dependency on God. My temptation is to trust in my own understanding or insight within a certain situation or relationship. Trying to make my own path and outcome puts a heavy weight and responsibility on my shoulders, which I was not meant to bear. God is pretty clear in His word regarding where we are to place our trust and dependency.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV).
Dependency on God is a key theme we have been learning about as we have read the books of the Old Testament. His laws and ways of doing life with the Israelites always led them towards a dependency on His provision. We saw this with the provision of manna in the desert, water from a rock, sandals that never wore out, and a promised land that would be theirs, despite the territory being occupied by people stronger than them. And a sabbath year of rest where there would be supernatural provision, and these are just a few examples. If we are seeking God and desiring to follow Him, we are likely being challenged to depend less on ourselves and more on Him.
My own limited insights have often fallen short compared to God’s complete understanding of every aspect of my life. He created me and is fully aware of the deepest parts of my heart and His purpose for my life. Why do I choose dependency on myself instead of on the God who created all things, including me?
We know the answer through learning about the journey of the Israelites who wandered in the desert for 40 years. We wrestle with our sinful nature that wants control, and we struggle with pride and battle with fear. This month, let’s renew our commitment to move towards dependency on God and not on ourselves. It requires a dying-to-self process and picking up our crosses and following Him. It also requires less questioning, more trusting, less grasping for control and more “Your will be done.”
Jesus, we humbly come before you this day and confess our sin of pride, fear and desire for control. You have been calling us to depend on You and Your strength, to trust You in every area of our lives. Today we want to say yes to You; we want to renew our commitment to listen and obey, to trust and surrender, knowing that You will make our pathways straight. We declare our dependency on You and everything. You desire for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.