“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
A tree starts from a small seedling. It needs nourishment daily to sustain itself: the sun, water, and fertile ground.
Such is the life of my children. When one receives me as their Redeemer and Lord, the seedling has begun to grow.
You must be nourished to continue to grow.
Nourishment comes from abiding in my Son, from where all things of good exist. He must be a part of your life every day for you to grow strong as you receive His strength.
His strength is not moved by the storms or high winds of life’s circumstances. The roots grow deep from your abiding.
The water that nourishes you is the water of the Word.
It is your life sustenance while living in this terrestrial world. You are here, yet not. This terrestrial place in which you live is where your fertile ground is. It becomes fertile with every human encounter for my sake.
My plans my purposes are for the fertile ground to grow all over this world, with the sharing of the life-giving message of the Gospel. Without it, living things will dry up and die as the wind scatters them.
Become a great oak by having deep roots in Me.
Purpose yourself to be watered daily, and as you nourish yourself in Me, the ground you walk on will be eternally fertile as you nourish others.
Glenda Paquin
That last line is so poetic as it says to purpose yourself to be watered daily – choose daily, plan daily to be filled with the word of God, to learn of His word and it’s meaning and to apply it in your daily steps. Nourish our day with Him, choose Him, plan to be with Him, to be filled with Him through prayer, worship and praise. In this know that He will make straight our path, He will secure our steps, He will walk along side us and He will protect us. Thank you sister Sandra!
Elizabeth Purcell
So well said, Glorious Glenda. It reminds me of God’s instructions to Joshua after Moses’ death: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” We must speak the Word, think about it day and night and allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to DO or ACT on what it says. Thank you, Sandra, for this timely Word from God and you, Glenda, for sharing.
Cindy Warren
So beautiful and fits with what Pastor Jason was saying tonight about being consistent. We need to be in the Word daily, consistently, to build strong roots, to continue to grow, and to produce good fruit year after year. If we only take in nourishment in an intense moment all at once, we will be sustained for a little while, but without consistency we will wither, and our fruit will suffer. Thank you for sharing this word with us. What a deep first week of HEARTstrong!