In Christ, whoever believes in the Son is saved, redeemed from their past life of sin, is a new creation and has eternal life. We read this in Ephesians 4 and Colossians 3.
God’s word gives us clear instructions for Christian living. It clearly tells us to take off the old self meaning old beliefs, thoughts, and habits and put on the new self. So why are so many of us walking around in the same old ratty clothes?
This past year at our LifeGroup, we completed two studies, Uninvited, about overcoming the pain of rejection and feeling unloved. The other, Identity Defined, was about knowing who you are in Christ and whose you are! Both of those had shared applications to embrace: are you willing to submit to the truths in God’s word about who you are as a new creation in Christ Jesus? Are you ready to surrender yourself to become who God designed you to be? Are you willing to walk in His ways, in His footsteps?
As believers, God has “called us out of darkness into His wonderful light; we are His chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). And in Romans 13:12, we read, “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.” So again, why are so many of us walking around in the same ratty clothes, the “grave clothes”? As the group shared their experiences, it was clear: some were comfortable putting on their old ones; for others, it felt familiar. For others, it was a habit or a pattern. And for others, they didn’t feel deserving of new clothes in the first place.
We all expressed a heartfelt burning desire to put on the new clothes, but we struggle to give up the old, the familiar, to embrace the new fully. The moment we give our lives to Christ, we have His Spirit indwelling in us. We are new, born again, and called to walk in holiness and with new clothes. We are expected to shed the “grave clothes” and are called to put on the new, white robe of righteousness that He died to give us. Yet we struggle to let go of past beliefs, destructive thought patterns keep emerging, and we get pulled back into old ways of living. Putting on new clothes each day requires intention. It requires discipline and new habits to be formed. As believers, we are being transformed to the image of Christ daily.
Surrender means you intentionally desire to let go and let God, and you act on these intentions. You vow to leave the old clothes locked away, or better yet, you throw them away or burn them! You have to commit to not keeping them and putting them back on, even for a day, or just parts of the outfit – like a top or bottom or even socks! Don’t mix and match; surrender. Pray for God to show you areas of your life where you are not fully surrendered, Pray for Him to show you areas of your life that you are not aware of that are holding you back—You know you can feel it like old clothes against your skin. Ask for wisdom and discernment, and then believe, believe in the transforming grace of our Loving Father to equip you for the journey. Fully surrender!
Referencing our previous blog, don’t pick up the keys to drive the car! Get in the back seat and enjoy the ride. Don’t pick up those ratty old clothes. Instead, daily pick up your new clothes. How?
Read God’s Word, study it, believe it, memorize it, declare it and pray it!
Cultivate godly habits and disciplines.
Store God’s promises in your heart; intentionally declare to yourself others.
Be hopeful, knowing God is on your side; He will never leave you, never not love you and is fighting for you!
And ask yourself daily, who is calling the shots?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the box below. Thank you!
Barb Eitze
So good Glenda , you are a great communicator and teacher….. thank you for those two tools used in your life group, I will be looking for them as well. Love doing heartstrong with you.❤️💕🙏