This is Who I am
You see Me, and I am so pleased
Listen, My child. Listen to Me
You hear My voice. Listen to Me
I have much for you, but you must trust Me
You are wondering whether to speak out
Yes, do it, My child
Speak out, I will give you the words
You will frustrate the words of the enemy
You will speak life
I will give you words of life
Listen to Me, child
Speak My words
I will quieten you, and you will hear Me
Come in to Me, My child
Come into My Presence
Let go, come in; I welcome you
I am so glad to see you
You are welcome where I am
Always, always welcome where I am
You think I am angry
But I am so, so happy
You are My delight. I delight in you
You have turned towards Me.
You have pushed through till you found Me
You have made Me so happy
You are My child. I love you.
There is no fear where I am
Read My Word, My child
Tuck it into your heart so that you breathe it often
I want it to be part of you and where you go to first when you ask a question
Tuck My Word into you, and you will get to know more and more of My heart
I will invite you, watch for it, say yes
Don’t hold back; watch and say yes
I’ll give you the words. I am with you.
Elizabeth Purcell
Lisa, God spoke to my inner soul this morning. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to touch me and others.
Nancy Foisy
This is just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. My heart is full.