An Alive Bride.
We’ve grown weary in the waiting. Waiting for the miracle, waiting for the breakthrough. Comfort has become our stronghold and complacency, our killer.
We know that there is more. We can sense that there is greater, but here we sit comfortable and content: Content in the routine and the deadly rhythms that we’ve created for ourselves. Read. Watch. Journal. Attend again. Church has become a weekly event that satisfies our ears but never reaches our souls. We live lives that are bound by fear, busyness, anxiety, stress and worry. We sit and wait for what we’ve always longed for, growing wearier and wearier as we wait.
We weren’t called to live comfortable Christian lives. We were never called to remain in our despair and discouragement, sitting idle and growing victim to our circumstances. We’ve been bought at a cost. One gave everything so that we may walk in freedom, walk in boldness, walk in power, walk in authority. The blood of Jesus bought you. The blood of Jesus paid for every disease, shortcoming and broken part. The blood of Jesus covered your sin so that you may be called a child of God. Sorrow not, for Christ, has overcome!
Don’t sit idle. Don’t allow comfort to trick you into a mediocre faith. God is alive and active. His Spirit is moving, and His Word is going out and piercing hearts with truth. God is moving, and He’s calling a church that is eager. Christ is waiting for His Bride to burn with passion and affection, alive with His Spirit. A Bride who is willing to lose it all for the one who paid it all. You are His Bride, His beloved one destined to bring Him glory.
We search the Earth trying to find fulfillment and purpose while missing the very cause that we’ve been created for. Christ is our cause, and we are His Church. Go, walk in authority. Believe for miracles. Contend for breakthroughs. It isn’t a prayer or Sunday service that will save our soul, but only Jesus Christ.
So go and seek Him, and you will find Him. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. Your life starts now! You are chosen for such a time. Stop waiting for another day. Stop saying “if only”… Your God is more than able to do all things, and He’s calling you to come.