“But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” (Acts 1:8 AMP)
I have always struggled with tempering my enthusiasm when I move a rock in my life and discover a treasure beneath it. We are still early in the HEARTstrong journey, but I am getting the sense that there is an awakening that seems to be percolating amongst the masses. I suspect others are feeling the same way.
Case in point. I have always struggled with my prayer life – so many people, so many life issues, so many things to be thankful for. The list overwhelmed me at times, and I often found myself slipping into staying silent until I found the time and place to be serious about it. But, unfortunately, it turns out those times were too few and far between.
Seeking to find a tool to equip me to do better, I recently downloaded an app on my iPhone that is so simple that it borders on the ridiculous. It has severely limited functions, but all I use it for is to sound a single chime between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. – on the hour, every hour – every day. I originally wanted it to be reminded of God and acknowledge that no matter where I was at that moment, I was in the presence of the One who is ever-present.
Last Thursday night (May 6th), there was much conversation about prayer and speaking in the Spirit during the Encouragement Meeting through the gift of tongues.
Fast forward through to Friday, then Saturday, and then Sunday and that little chime of mine took on a new life of its own. It manifested itself from being a momentary reminder of God to thanking Him for the moment, lifting someone in prayer (I rotated my entire family through multiple times and have now expanded to others) and then praying for them in tongues.
It seemed to take on a life of its own because, truth be told, I quickly became cognizant of the fact that the Gifts of the Spirit are freely given while the Fruit of the Spirit costs me something every time. There were stretches where the chime became an annoyance – especially when I was caught by surprise each time, how quickly an hour went by and I was “forced” to stop what I was doing and revere Him. As I write this, I can say it has been a while since I have experienced any annoyance – so hopefully, my flesh has submitted to the spiritual and picked up its cross. But, the warrior in me just wants to go!!
I do not believe this would have happened so quickly with me had I not been participating HEARTstrong. Iron sharpening iron raises sparks that start fires that build up rage and force us to act or react. I’m thankful for all the hearts that have banded together for this journey.
I’m back to work this morning, praying that the power and the ability of the Holy Spirit continue to come upon me, and I continue to use the gift of the chime to come before my Lord and lift up the needy in reverent prayer.
In the Spirit of tempering my enthusiasm, an unsettling thought arises as I become aware that in His timing, a day will come when I will be asked in my prayer life to include: the rude, the mean, the ugly, the hateful, the disrespectful, the wicked and yes, even the evil.
More power and ability, Holy Spirit, I pray!